I REALLY HATE Chinese Spiders

This isn't the biggest spider I've seen in my apartment, it's just the first time I've had the composure to grab my camera before the huge can of Raid I keep nearby. UGH. I gassed it's tiny spidey heiny into oblivion! The worst was the night I got up at 2 AM to the use the bathroom and a HUGE spider was right above my headboard. AAAAHHH!

Still creeped out. Need a happy thought to distract me.

Don't you think he's saying "Come, sit on my lap."? Me too. Okay, I feel better now.


SherBear said…
Oh my hell- that spider gives me the shivers!! Yikes! Way to be brave, girl!!
Katie said…

I might invest in surgically replacing my hands with cans for raid if I saw one of those things.

Those legs.....*shudder*
Matt said…
I wonder what's in Chinese Raid...I bet they get the good stuff :D
Unknown said…
Is it bad that just the picture alone made my skin crawl? I can hardly hand the spiders here in Canada. Yuck, yuck, yuck!
Busy Bee Suz said…
I have the heebie jeebies right now, thanks. I loathe spiders. I would rather deal with snakes in my home!
I love John Hamm. LOVE Mad MEN!!!
Mindy Brown said…
I should not have clicked on the picture to make it bigger. Oh my heck! How do you sleep at night?????
Not until he puts out that gross cigarette! hehe :D
thatgirlblogs said…
that is not a spider. that is... something so big and gross it needs its own name.

just don't barbecue it and have it for lunch.
Curly said…
You have GOT to be kidding. I'd never get any sleep. Did you use the entire can of Raid? Maybe a case or two?
Scarlet said…
That spider should be in a horror flick! I cannot IMAGINE waking up and finding anything like that in my bathroom...or ANYWHERE in my house!

Now the guy on the couch, he's a different story. ;)
Technodoll said…
holy mother of god - that alone would have me screaming all the way back to america.

full of spiders here but they're tiny, ergo easy(ish) to ignore.

that chinese monster???

yrautca said…
Still better than the weeping kid for your ego.
Jenn-n-n said…

patti s said…
That is a beautiful spider, but "all spiders are beautiful" or at least that is what Charlotte said.
Rebex said…
And that's NOT the biggest one you've seen?! Omigosh! I would have been on the first plane out after seeing that thing. I'm going to have nightmares now. Eek!

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