David Gandy: Found Art

It wasn't my intention to post frivolous things here anymore, but I forgot how I am, in fact, often frivolous.

And I unabashedly love looking at hot men in cool clothes. Two looks I love:

Love these colors:

A man who shows up on my doorstep in that scruff and these glasses is getting sooooo lucky:

He's Zoolandering here: just ridiculously good looking. All that's missing is chest hair:

Thus ends my shallow, frivolous streak...for today


Anonymous said…
Um. As a married woman who I have to say "thank you for your frivolity"...you made me both blush and smile today with this post! :)))
LL Cool Joe said…
Oh no not chest hair!
Busy Bee Suz said…
Please, bring on the frivolity!!!
Eye candy!
yrautca said…
Painful pictures. But understandable.
Stephanie said…
Ummm Thank you for the frivolity! I adore your taste in uhh clothes:)
Technodoll said…
I'll take the eye candy any day! :-D

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