Licking the Habanero

This weekend I was making pebre and my serrano peppers were not getting the job done, so I pulled out a couple of habaneros. I asked my mom,"Do you think these will be hot enough in the pebre?" "Well, how hot are they?"

Hmmm. I sliced one open and licked the pulp.

Just in case you didn't know, licking the inside of a habanero is a really dumb way to determine how hot it is. THE BURNING IT GOES ON AND ON HOLY HELL WHAT WAS I THINKING. I couldn't feel my lips or tongue for the next several hours, but on the bright side, 'licking the habanero' is now my new favorite euphemism for doing something stupid you probably knew better not to do.

Example: "Yeah. I went out with that guy even though I knew he was bad news. I totally licked the habanero on that one."

Live and learn (the hard way).


Mandy said…
That's a great saying, but I'm sorry to hear that you had to learn the hard way.
yrautca said…
Are you kidding me? Habanero's are hot. I once made Okra with Habanero's. I sweated so much I had to wear a head band while eating it. I stayed home in the bathroom the rest of the weekend. My ass was on fire.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I can't believe you did that!!!!! BUT, the new saying is priceless. :)
LL Cool Joe said…
Ha ha, great new expression! Sounds painful! Having never licked a habanero I can only imagine your pain.... thank God. :D

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