Sexting and Cheating Red Flags

All of the Anthony Weiner press coverage makes me feel somewhat validated for having done this. I stand by it.

I don't as a general rule comment on current event news stories here, because I can't imagine anyone gives a rat's ass what I think about the news. However, the subsequent debate about whether or not sexting is cheating reminded me of the short, personal checklist I've amassed of potential red flags that the guy asking you out/hitting on you isn't as uninvolved as he claims to be*:

1. Only wants to see you during non-prime time hours, i.e. lunch but never dinner.
2. Gives you an email address and/or phone number just for you (you usually find this out when he calls/emails you from the other by accident).
3. Only wants to talk to you from work.
4. He has a cat and lives alone (so he says). (I have a bias that young, single men who want a four-legged pet get dogs, not cats. Also he turned out to be married so I was right.)
5. Only wants to see you far away from where he lives.
6. When you ask him if he has a girlfriend/wife, doesn't immediately say no or explain his situation.
7. He doesn't want people to know he knows you.

I have a theory that I attract men who aren't single (to various degrees) because I'm not very demanding and not interested in getting serious quickly (or at all). So if you need a list, you can borrow mine.

*I care if someone has made someone else think they are committed to them only. Casual dating is fine with me. But I don't like it when they aren't honest about being in an open relationship or are sneaking around behind someone's back.


yrautca said…
That list is right on the money. I should add though that I have dated women with whom the preferred mathod of communication was texting. I prefer texting over phone call myself. But not because I am hiding anything.

Hey I'm single and find you attractive, so there!
LL Cool Joe said…
Young single men with a cat normally turn out to be gay. ;) I don't text at all.
Rebecca Foster said…
Y, you got me! :) And thank you, what a compliment.

I don't think texting or sexting a lot is a sign of cheating at all. I'd rather text than talk, I'm not a phone person.

LL, ;) good call. Although know that I think of it, my two closest single gay friends both have dogs :D
Busy Bee Suz said…
I think your list is dead on correct!!!
Young guys with a cat?? Flaming RED FLAG!
Technodoll said…
Life and learn, right?

Man, i was dumb (or innocent... or blind...) in my 20's and 30's.

*shakes head*
Matt said…
>Although know that I think of it, my
>two closest single gay friends both
>have dogs

So they're using dogs as their companion animal beards, less they appear to be either gay or married :D

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