
Some of you have asked me about the other volunteers I traveled with.

There are 36 of us, including three married couples. Our group has a higher median age than most Peace Corps groups, due to the work and school experience needed to be in this program. There are several girls around my age who have also never been married or had kids;, yay, I am not a freak after all. Our group is about 60% female, 40% male. 14 volunteers transferred to the China Program after completing two years of service in another country. It is encouraging to know they enjoyed it so much, they signed up for a 2nd tour.

Most of us have advanced degrees, but a few joined the Peace Corps as a part of their Masters Program. One guy has an undergrad degree in Physics, but most have English or Education related degrees. One of the married couple retirees has a PhD in education. We are in China at the express invitation of the Chinese government, so our work and education credentials were vetted by the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. prior to our arrival. It is intimidating to think they believe I can do this job. It is an amazing group of volunteers, their experiences and credentials are inspiring.

At times when I feel overwhelmed, a bit homesick, unsure of myself, frustrated by my inability to communicate in the language, it helps to know there are 35 other people feeling the exact same way.

(I tried to add some pictures to this post, but could not get them to load. Not sure if firewall or internet connection problem. I'll try again later.)

I am lonely! Please email me and say hello. I promise I will write back!


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