Earthquake Premonition?
I swear I am not making this up. Tuesday on the bus coming home at lunchtime I had the thought that I should buy bottled water because if there is an earthquake, I'd have nothing to drink if the power went out. Which, I say this with love, with the infrastructure the way it is here, it will. (I have to prepare water with an electric machine or buy it bottled. And bottled still isn't super-clean of metals here, so we are advised to use our machine as much as possible.) So I made a mental note to pick up gallon or two later that day. (I used up all my previous supply when I had the Slumber Party Weekend.) And about an hour later, I'm having a rest, and the bed starts shaking. A small earthquake, only 5.0 but still: AAAAAHHHHHH!!! (Official report here .) Do I have earthquake premonition, like an animal? Or was it a prompting? Either way, my new goal for leaving China: don't die in an earthquake. This is added to 'don't die in a bus fire or a tunnel fire.' ...