Washington Heights, Luggage, Etiquette and Friendship

During our trip I found out my friend J. is going to Columbia in the fall to do a masters program, and asked me if I were interested in being roommates. Hells to the yes! J. is great, she is one of the nicest girls I know. I told her about Washington Heights*, which is where my cousin lived when he went to Columbia, and so we are officially putting WH on the table as a possible apartment location. Now, I have no idea if this will work out, or if I’ll be able to find a job in the area, but it’s fun to dream about. I have long loved Washington Heights, and even for just a year or two, would love the experience of living there. We agree living in China is great preparation for living everywhere else, because we have learned to live with so little. A crappy little apartment in Washington Heights? No problem. A couple of other people I know here are also going to NYC for work/school, so I would have some friends in the area as well. And we could go to Chinatown together and relive our crazy China days.

Two of my four-wheeled luggage wheels broke. Luckily they didn’t break completely off, but they wouldn’t spin properly and were all banged up. (Note to self: stop dragging the suitcase over curbs and stairs— pick it up!) When we got out of the taxi at the hostel, the owner greeted us and noticed my luggage wasn’t rolling properly. He offered to have it fixed for me, and the next day found new wheels for my luggage AND had his handyman repair the luggage for me. And he wouldn’t take any money from me at all for it. There are just good people in the world. (I bought him a nice bottle of liquor as a thank you gift when I left.)

I was reflecting on this trip about my friendship with E., which was near instantaneous and is a delightful part of my life here. She doesn’t live in my city so I don’t get to see her often, but I just admire and respect her and have so much fun with her. It was a treat being able to see her for a whole week. It’s amazing to meet people you feel like you’ve known for years. They are a gift. I’ve had the chance to make some really good friends like this in the Peace Corps, and it’s one thing I’ll take away as a lifelong blessing.

Thus ends this All In Rebecca’s Head post.

*A neighborhood in northern Manhattan, around 181st street.


Mandy said…
So glad that you have a possible apartment location and area in mind when you come back stateside. That sounds very exciting.

In my family we had similar rules to your dad's you pack it you haul it rule. Usually because I may or may not have had a tendency to overpack.
Busy Bee Suz said…
The prospect of NYC and the perfect location sounds wonderful!!!
I do hope it works out for both of you.
The wheels on the luggage is a funny story...and so heartwarming that you run into nice people out there. I think you have good karma my friend.
I love your Dad's saying: you pack it, you haul it. Sounds like something I have said to my kids.

I am trying very hard to let folks do nice things for me...I think you should too. Take it when you can get it. OK???
Busy Bee Suz said…
The prospect of NYC and the perfect location sounds wonderful!!!
I do hope it works out for both of you.
The wheels on the luggage is a funny story...and so heartwarming that you run into nice people out there. I think you have good karma my friend.
I love your Dad's saying: you pack it, you haul it. Sounds like something I have said to my kids.

I am trying very hard to let folks do nice things for me...I think you should too. Take it when you can get it. OK???
Technodoll said…
It's nice to be able to drain the brain, isn't it? I love reading your goings-on :-)

It certainly sounds like you are surrounded by angels - but then again, karma gives what you put out!
Jenny said…
Again, I am fascinated by this glimpse into your world. Thank you.

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