Earthquake Premonition?

I swear I am not making this up.

Tuesday on the bus coming home at lunchtime I had the thought that I should buy bottled water because if there is an earthquake, I'd have nothing to drink if the power went out. Which, I say this with love, with the infrastructure the way it is here, it will. (I have to prepare water with an electric machine or buy it bottled. And bottled still isn't super-clean of metals here, so we are advised to use our machine as much as possible.) So I made a mental note to pick up gallon or two later that day. (I used up all my previous supply when I had the Slumber Party Weekend.)

And about an hour later, I'm having a rest, and the bed starts shaking. A small earthquake, only 5.0 but still: AAAAAHHHHHH!!! (Official report here.) Do I have earthquake premonition, like an animal? Or was it a prompting? Either way, my new goal for leaving China: don't die in an earthquake. This is added to 'don't die in a bus fire or a tunnel fire.' If these things don't happen, my time in China was a success.Yes, I have set the bar very low. But for my region of China, reasonable.


Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh my gosh...I think you are just very intuitive.
Next time, follow your instincts!!!
Glad you are ok.
What do you have less than 70 days???
Sooooo...stay out of buses that travel in tunnels. Ok?
Tracey Axnick said…
I have premonitions on occasion.... and I don't like having them. :(
I'd rather NOT know what the future holds, esp when it's "not fun"...

Glad you are OK.
Be safe!
Marianne said…
Oh my gosh, that is crazy! I'm glad it wasn't a bad one. I'm thinking it was a prompting...and probably Bob looking out for you.
Technodoll said…
you've got the gift! scary mary! i'm glad you're ok, earthquakes of any proportion are terrifying! :-o
mjfoster77 said…
I'm glad you're okay, even if it was a "small" one. Totally a prompting and I agree with Marianne!!
Wow, that is ironic! I am glad you are ok though. We've had so many earthquakes here ranging from 4-7 in magnitude here since our Easter Rumble. We are told they are aftershocks, but its still pretty scary. And we have our bottled water storage too! Stay safe girl and heed your gut feelings...they are typically our 6th sense kicking in!
myself said…
huh a 6th sense you have!
Mandy said…
Ummm, wow. Thats kind of scary. Hope you have some water now!!
Ileana said…
Freaky, isn't it?? I wish you the best...that nothing bad happens to you there or here!
yrautca said…
Ahhhh you should have wished for true love instead.
Cristina HW said…
WOW! Don't ignore them girl! My mama has those all of the time. We call her the bruja! :D
I'm so glad you're okay. xoxo

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