Smiles and Tears: My Last Two Weeks, Plus A New Video

I'm home from my trip, and it was legendary! I wish I could get more into it now, but it will need to wait a few weeks.

I'm fluctuating between being really excited to spend time in America with my friends and family and Target and lots of tacos, and emotional upheaval at leaving this place that has become my home, and the people who have become some of my closest friends and loved ones. Why do we do this to ourselves? I'm sort of on the verge of tears all the time. I don't want to leave. I don't know how to be an American right now. I'm afraid of not fitting in there anymore. I know it'll come back to me, but I'm as nervous about going back to America as I was to come to China. Human beings are funny.

So I hope you will bear with me the next few weeks. I have so many more things to say about China, I hope you'll keep reading for a while!

Today I made this video. Some of these pictures you have seen, some will be new. It's a nice time capsule of the people I've grown to love here in China. I hope you enjoy it. If the embed isn't working, you can click here to see it.


Ileana said…
What a sweet and touching video. I love the baby in the backpack (?) and all the wonderful photo of your friends and folks you met along your journey. I can see how it all brings tears to your eyes.

Like you, I bond with people and places right away and you're making a huge jump back to the states. Don't worry, we'll embrace you...and you'll come back a more wordly and experience you (with awesome stories to tell!).

Have a great trip home!! :)
Holland said…
I can fully relate to your anxiety... and I know it is hard, having been there myself but it will be ok and you will have memories and experiences that nobody can ever take away from you. Have a safe trip home!
Little Fish said…
Could never live in China- would steal all the babies. Serioulsy I can't handle the cuteness.
Stephanie said…
I understand why you are so torn. You have created a life and a family of friends over there! Sending you hugs my dear and I hope you are going to keep blogging when you get back to the States!
Anonymous said…
What an amazing experience you have had. Although it has to be heartwrenching to leave you will carry so much with well as leave so much behind for those whose lives you've touched. Please do keep blogging...of course, best wishes on your return...
Mandy said…
Awesome video! Enjoy every last second of the next few weeks in China. Its been an amazing journey so far and it will continue to be just that when you return to the States.
Technodoll said…
Of course we'll be right here with you each step of the way... if you need a supportive shoulder just lean!

Everything will be fine.

Just remember to breathe... and remember you can come back if that's where your heart needs to be :)
yrautca said…
Oh wow! Moving video. All the pics reminded me of the various posts you made over time and all the taxi drivers you hooked up with. Its been a pleasure learning about China through you and I hope when you return to US you remain interesting ;)
Tracey Axnick said…
OHMYGOSH - I'm almost crying and I don't even KNOW these people! Honey, you just LET those tears flow.... You fell in love with a culture and a people and your heart feels like it is bursting. Totally normal. Consider yourself HUGGED by me. :)
Tracey Axnick said…
PS: I want to take all those precious babies home.... absolutely adorable!
mjfoster77 said…
Awesome, awesome video! I agree, cry lots, it's okay. And no, it's not just choggles, America is weird too in it's own way! I envy that you get to see it from a whole new perspective - you'll get to rediscover America, the way you had to discover China. I'll try to stand really close to you, yell at you outright when I get mad, and in general, do anything I can to make you feel more at home! (I'm still pretty chubby, but not as cute as the babies... I'll try though!!) Love you!
Kelly said…
Two weeks! Yay for US.

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