Three Little Words, Two Words For You, One Word For Me

From Robert Frost:

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

In a few hours I leave Chongqing for good. (I'm not leaving alone; I have an understanding shoulder to cry on as we pull away from the city, should the need arise.) I'm embracing Robert Frost's words today.

To all of you who have been faithful supporters of me the last two years: THANK YOU! I could not, and I mean this literally, could not have done it without you. I can't express adequately the love and admiration I have in my heart for you.

And one word for me: love. In the last few years, I've learned that in the end, it really, truly is only love that matters. Most of all, I take home with me a lot of love, and for that, I am grateful.

This blog is not over! I have so many more things to share about my experience in China, things I am too overwhelmed now to write about with any sense of eloquence. But as soon I am settled at home and more or less awake, I'll resume posting and reading.

As we say here: 再见!


Ileana said…
You did it! You've been to China and experienced a phenomenal culture, shared it with the world via your blog and now you take home all those wonderful memories and experiences. I can't wait to hear more, and I wonder if you'll change the title of your blog or keep it. My friend, Rita's blog is wonderful (Miami To Marhaba). If you haven't visited, check her out. I'm putting her on my blogroll.

Have a wonderful, safe trip home!

Hugs, Ily
Marianne said…
I have loved reading this blog. It has been fun to watch your transformation over these 2 years. You really have been through a lot, and have grown from the experience. I'm glad it's not over, I want to keep reading!
Technodoll said…
Love you, girl! Am so proud of everything you've accomplished... I feel like a big sister :-D

Happy and safe travels, we'll be here waiting for news! xoxo
Busy Bee Suz said…
Safe travels...can't wait to see where you end up and what you do next!!
mjfoster77 said…
You are an amazing woman! I am constantly in awe of what you accomplish and I'm grateful and excited that I get to tell you that in person soon!! It'll be so nice to have you home and I can't wait to hear even more about your time there. Love you, can't wait to see you!!
Your little bro!
Ladder8 said…
Travel safe, my friend - and thank you for sharing your adventures for the past two years!
yrautca said…
Hey, where you at girl? Come back. Fall and winter are almost here and I am gonna get back into blogging soon!

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