Unexpected Anger at Bed, Bath and Beyond

So, wiser heads than me tell me I am experiencing reverse culture shock. And that it will fade in time. And this is supposed to be comforting, and it is, but it is also scary to me. Because there are some things I don't WANT to fade. Here is one example:

I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond over the weekend and I was just unexpectedly furious at all of the crap for sale that no one really needs for any reason other than laziness. You know the front of the store, where they put all the little gadgets and gizmos things on special? I was just disgusted seeing all of that, and sad, because I've seen firsthand the hard lives and smiles and children of the people who make those things. And I want more for them than to spend their lives in a factory churning out crap no one really needs. Some of my students work in the factories in South China in the summer, and I know some of them will end up there permanently. And they have so much potential! What would they be doing instead if this weren't the option presented to them? I am not against comfort and convenience in theory; I just wish we really thought more about the price in human potential we pay for them. Maybe we could do with a little inconvenience do give someone else the chance to live a life outside a factory, to invest time and energy in something else.

I don't want to become a person who forgets those people in the factories, and the price we pay for convenience.


Ileana said…
Now that you've been there and seen it up close and personal, you feel for those folks "behind the scenes" and it all becomes more real to you. We could all use a wake-up call.

Btw, I've never been a fan of gadgets...some are cool and handy, but most of them become clutter in a home.
yrautca said…
You seen the other side and no you are lost. It will be ok.
Matt said…
At the same time, we're spending our treasure on these cheap chotchkies as well, often with no real purpose.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I agree with all three of the above comments.

I do not like buying that type of garbage. I find it to be waste.

I hope that everyone can find a good job doing something useful and make wages worth their time.
Tas said…
What would they be doing instead if this weren't the option presented to them?

Unfortunately, there's a really good chance they'd be worse off, that there would be NO job. This is why it's important to encourage factories to provide safe, healthy working conditions.
Stephanie said…
You are fortunate to have seen the other side. We should all keep want vs need when we shop.
Technodoll said…
As long as the chinese gov'ment continues to allow its workers to be exploited and exports the profits to other countries willing to pay for the goods, it doesn't matter what the consumer on the other end thinks or does - if it's not plastic thingimadings it will be food, or clothing, or plastic whatchamacallits.

I agree that it sucks but the blame should be put on the right people, IMO... :-/
Anonymous said…
Hey there : )
Buying things on the web or in-store? which often do you prefer? just wondering lol.. i like in-store as i don't really like expecting it to come!

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