
Today is my birthday and I have been overwhelmed with the good wishes and kindness shown to me. I plan on answering everyone individually, but until then, THANK YOU! You have made me feel very loved and remembered.

A new guy I work with offered to take me technology shopping last week because he knows a lot more about these things than I do. I don't know him well, so I was really touched at his generosity. I am now the new owner of a flat screen lcd tv (the first tv I've ever purchased) and a Blu-Ray wifi dvd player, purchased at his advice, and through which I can stream Netflix and Pandora over my television. The technology available to me in America still blows me away. And as a birthday gift he bought me the HDMI cord I needed to hook my new dvd player to the TV. I was surprised, because as I said, we barely know each other, but he is a generous and thoughtful person. Good people are everywhere.

The first movie I watched?

This is not a good movie. But, um, I enjoy his chest hair. And head hair. And head. And chest. (And it was just released on Netflix, so at the top of the queue; I swear I didn't go looking for it!) And yes, I still believe I have a shot with him.

(This picture reminds me of the time T. was lounging in just shorts and I said, "Can I tell you something weird? You have perfect chest hair." I still think it's a weird thing to say, but true. And when you think something nice about someone, I think you should tell them.)

It was a great birthday weekend; I appreciate those who made it so wonderful for me.


cyclopseven said…
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cyclopseven said…
Happy belated birthday. The techno world is damn seductive. Keep the wall tightly sealed or else $$$ will flow like river:)
cyclopseven said…
I mean wallet/purse :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
Happy {day after} birthday to you!!!
I am glad you had a good day/weekend.
I would not have a clue about buying tv's and such either...good to have someone who KNOWS.
What a nice co-worker; but then again, you attract nice people!
Netflix?? I keep saying I am going to do this too; one day!
yrautca said…
Happy Birthday! Hope you had a terrific day. All the best for next year of your life.
Technodoll said…
Well, good things happen to good people my dear ;-)

So glad you had a lovely bday weekend, and hopefully you have a new friend (or tech-geek buddy)! Some guys offer roses, others cables... teehee!

I don't recognize mr. chest-hair, which movie is this from?

(i know! i'm old and ignorant! lol!)
Kelly said…
When I was in 10th grade, I told a guy, in a let's-be-all-open-and-honest group, that I really liked his body. WTF was I thinking. I was a freak forever. High school sucked shrimp legs. But I'd still totally do him if things were a little different.
Tracey Axnick said…
Happy belated! I hope you are celebrating all WEEK, and that the totally edible Jake Gyllenhall (sp?) is feeding you chocolates as you read this. :)

He's pretty darn near perfect, at least physically... :)

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