We're Writing A Book

R. had the great idea yesterday that we should write a book together about our daily life experiences in China.

I said this sentence to R. while we were video chatting: "It was when you were in Tibet, the night we had all the gin and tonics and got sprayed down in the street by the paint truck..." and I wasn't even telling all of that as the story, it was just the setup to the story. And she stopped me with a "Do you hear yourself? Our lives are never going to be like that again. When will you ever get the experiences to say a sentence like that again?" And she's right. Our remarkable lives became common place and ordinary to us. So we watch to recapture our now-remarkable-again experiences for posterity.

She's the editor; we'll both contribute. I'm really excited to start this project. I picked up a new sketchpad tonight to start collecting things I'll include as inspiration and illustration. Even if we only publish it for two people, it's worth it.

Her first decision as editor? No pseudonyms. &*% is about to get real.

Periodically, I'll probably post excerpts I've written here. As much as I've written on this blog, there's so much I haven't said. The passing of time makes it easier to see clearly.

This book is a good distraction from some sad news: my grandfather passed away Tuesday. I'm still trying to process it all, and I think I'm still a bit in shock. I have good friends like R. who helped me get my mind off of it, and some friends who took me out tonight. I'm grateful he didn't suffer longer. I am still trying to wrap my arms around the fact he's gone. It still seems unbelievable and unreal, like a dream.


Tracey Axnick said…
I'm so sorry about your grandfather, my friend. A loved one's passing is a very surreal thing... takes a while to sink in.

On another note, I'm THRILLED you're writing a book! Your blogging history will be so valuable because you've shared so much... it will be great to use that as the "scaffolding" on which you can construct your book.
I think it's great!
I'll be first in line at the book signing when you come to Atlanta! :)
Ladder8 said…
Hugs to you Becca...

Take care, my friend.
Busy Bee Suz said…
My heart hurts for you and your family. I agree with you...we never want our loved ones to suffer long.

A book is a fabulous idea! Yeah, you really have had some great/weird stuff happen...it should be shared!
Rebex said…
I'm so sorry for your loss. Love you!

PS: I hope you'll publish the book for more than two people - I'll want to read it too!
Regirlfriend said…
I am sorry about your grandpa. :(

We missed you Thursday, but anxiously await anything you'd write.

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