Falafel Sandwich

My favorite sandwich of all time. Lunch today in Union Park, just before I went to The Strand. Bought two books on Indian (South Asian) architecture and design and had them shipped home. Did you know in NY, if you ship your purchases out of state, you don't pay sales tax? Shipping ground is usually about the same amount as the tax and no lugging around extra bags. Thanks, NY, for making it so easy for me to shop.


yrautca said…
I like falafel but mostly outside of a pita. We got a few great meditaerranean places in the city. Falafel for the win.
Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh, that does look yummy.
Sweet deal on the book shipping!
LL Cool Joe said…
What's in the sandwich?
Anonymous said…
yum! I've never one. I've always gotten a gyro! I shall try in honor of your recommendation!
Rebecca Foster said…
LL, it is hummus, lettuce, tomato, falafel balls and hot sauce. Vegetarian and very tasty combo of flavors.
cyclopseven said…
Shud have posted a picture of you taking a bite;).
LL Cool Joe said…
Sounds good to me!

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