Mix Tapes I Have Loved

I read this blog post about a memorable mix tape, and it reminded me of the box of mix tapes (and mix CDs) boxed up in my storage space. I got my first mix tapes from A., in high school. He was the rebel, I was the studious good girl, and twain we met over debate class and mix tapes. His tapes leaned heavily on b-sides of The Posies and Fugazi, with Nitzer Ebb  and obscure Japanese-release-only Depeche Mode songs thrown in for good measure.

My friend C. made me mix tapes in college, mostly songs by alternative bands he found rummaging through second-hand record stores; I'd never heard of most of them, but he did introduce me to Henry Rollins, something I'll never forget. He sent them to me through the mail and I loved getting that recognizable padded envelope. We never dated, but I'd like to think a man who will go to the post office for you thinks you're pretty great.

The creme of my mix tape cookie was S., who made me mix CDs by the dozens, full of alterna-rock-girl anthems, sensuous Motown ballads and obscure (to me) garage bands like Electric Six, The Oblivians and The Detroit Cobras. We also never dated, but I think he felt it his duty to educate me away from the Top 40 crap that fills up my running playlists. (V. once referred to himself as a fan of 'focus group' movies and music, which I thought was just a brilliant way to describe having no taste; I share his proclivities.) S.'s mix tapes take up most of the box. 

Do people still make each other mix tapes? It's been several years since I've received a mix tape; is that a thing I should relegate to the 'used to be a part of my life' list? To all those guys who gave me mix-tapes: I still have every single one. You are remembered.

Next stop: T-Shirts I Have Loved.

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My good friend many years ago moved away and got married. She was my work cheerleader friend. Out of the blue she sent me a mixed tape of all my happy songs. It really cheered me up. I dont know where it is now (nor would I know where I could find a tape player), but the thought still rings true to my heart about her friendship today. Thanks for the memory! Oh, and I still love your blog and have a blog award on my page for you! Glad you didnt stop blogging just as I got back!
Busy Bee Suz said…
I love this line, and I agree: "I'd like to think a man who will go to the post office for you thinks you're pretty great."
I remember making tapes myself...but never for anyone in particular. Also, Never got a mixed tape from anyone....well not that I remember.
I do recall seeing this happen in the movies, but it never hit me that I was missing something.
Looking forward to your T-shirt love!
I never got a mixed tape from a guy. But a good friend did come to cheer me up once with a tape of happy songs! I did make a mixed CD once for a guy when burning copies posed no risk to music industry professionals...but wow, what a memory to remember mixed tapes for sure!
Anonymous said…
I don't think mixed tapes may exist anymore but I make my boyfriend mixed CD's all the time, mostly silly songs that remind me of him or songs that I love that in turn I want him to at least know. Mixed tapes were great though, you knew a lot about a person with the music they put on the tape they gave you :)
xoxo Laurie
Matt said…
iTunes playlists, I'm afraid, is about as close as you get.

Oddly enough, the last car TAPE player from the factory just ended...Lexus of all folks still carried a tape player in their options until the 2012 model year.

I've got to think CDs are rapidly on their way out.

>He was the rebel, I was the
>studious good girl,

And damn it, Judd Aptow was a genius and Freaks & Geeks deserved to live longer then one season :p
Anonymous said…
I am back - different address. Hope to see you soon!!!


Rebecca Foster said…
BBS, thanks! I am glad I am not the only one who thinks so.

L: I bet you make GREAT mix tapes. He's very lucky.

Matt, iTunes playlists never occurred to me. Good call. And I never made the connection with F&G but that did make me chuckle. I agree!

Its" welcome back!
yrautca said…
Sounds like you are having nostalgic moments. I was made a mix CD a couple years ago but thats about it.

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