New York City and the Incense Palace
New York City makes me miss Chongqing dreadfully. It's a relief to not have to travel by car, to walk everywhere, to be able to pop into the corner bodega for shampoo and little cookies.
I brought my iPad so I could work here and there on a work project while I'm gone because of a tight deadline. I activated the hot spot on my phone, uploaded docs to mobileme and downloaded them into Pages on my iPad. I'll use my phone to wifi power the iPad to send the docs back to the office. Technology continues to amaze me.
Conversation T. and I had last weekend:
Me: "I just want to live in an incense palace with houseboys, is that so wrong?"
T.: "There is nothing wrong with wanting to live in an incense palace with houseboys!"
I knew there was a reason I love him. And I would like that incense palace to be in New York City. Thank you.
I brought my iPad so I could work here and there on a work project while I'm gone because of a tight deadline. I activated the hot spot on my phone, uploaded docs to mobileme and downloaded them into Pages on my iPad. I'll use my phone to wifi power the iPad to send the docs back to the office. Technology continues to amaze me.
Conversation T. and I had last weekend:
Me: "I just want to live in an incense palace with houseboys, is that so wrong?"
T.: "There is nothing wrong with wanting to live in an incense palace with houseboys!"
I knew there was a reason I love him. And I would like that incense palace to be in New York City. Thank you.
Have a fabulous visit!!!