Fabric Ceiling, Boston, NYC

Fabric ceiling in my study/library:

Closet w/ vanity:

Mural in Spanish Harlem (I think, not sure where it officially begins):

George Washington Bridge:


Boston Public Library: 

St. Patrick's Day in Boston:


Cristina HW said…
oooh Fabric ceiling! Did that once for an Oscar party. Weren't you there? It didn't look anywhere near as wonderful as yours. xoxo
LL Cool Joe said…
I bet that fabric ceiling is a pain in the butt to clean. :D
yrautca said…
Nice pictures!
Busy Bee Suz said…
I love the fabric ceiling treatment....I am very impressed!!!
Love all your travel photos.
Hope you are doing good.
Technodoll said…
I sure would love such a giant closet! reeeeeeeerrrr!

Love your photos... ah, wanderlust.
cyclopseven said…
great photos. Love the fabric ceiling and study room.

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