5 Things About NYC and Boston

1. The Guggenheim building is far more interesting than the Guggenheim collection.

2. I thought St. Pat's Day in Boston would be cra-zay. Maybe for New England, it is. I would like to invite all Bostonians to San Antonio for Fiesta. Cra-zay! I really liked Boston, but I am far too spirited and not nearly preppy enough to ever live there.

3. We went back to a friend-of-a-friend's apartment, where I accidentally left behind my McSorley's mug when leaving to go home for the night. The friend-of-a-friend had to walk me back to his pad to get it. Pretty sure he (and his doorman) thought this was as ploy for me to stay the night. Nope, I just really am that absent-minded. On the way to the subway (again), he asked me "You're not going to tweet about this, are you?" (Meaning everything that went down that night. He's an actor.) I was caught off guard by his question; is that really a thing people say now??? No. No I'm not.

4. NYC, please get a mag-lev train from JFK to Penn Station. Please.

5. I know someone who lives in the NYC area, and several times I felt bad I couldn't call up and say "Hey, let's meet up for dinner or something!" I wonder how long it will be until I can visit NYC without remembering?


Cristina HW said…
That's RIGHT girl! NIOSA! hahaha btw-absolutely loved #3! ;}
Ileana said…
My husband's from Boston and I'm from NY, so aside from being rivals when it comes to sports, we differ in many other ways as well. I'm definitely not preppy enough to live in Boston either, Chica...I'm so with you on that!

Happy Sunday, amiga!! :)
LL Cool Joe said…
The Guggenheim building is amazing I think. I've only been to NYC once and I enjoyed the place but a few days was definitely enough for me, but I'm not into cities at all, including London.
yrautca said…
I dont think i could ever live in Boston - so pretentious. And white. Most people from there are mummy daddy types riding on their race/gender/family.

Ok I hate Boston. There I said it.
Busy Bee Suz said…
There are still preppy people around. anywhere????
Glad you got your mug back...that was a close call.
Sandra said…
I'm kinda going to have a vicarious NY experience through you. It's the closest I'm going to get...
Rebecca Foster said…
I miss NIOSA so much. Next year!

ileana, I am in very good company then.

ll, I've never been to London, but I am into NYC. I like cities a lot.

yrautca, SO WHITE.

BBS, I know, you can't even buy them online directly. PHEW!

Sandra, hope that changes and you get to go someday. Great city!
Tracey Axnick said…
You are right on the MONEY re: the Guggenheim, sistah! Went there twice in the year + I lived in Manhattan and both times I was disappointed in the collection. If I ever go a third time, it will be with roller skates on my little feet, and I'm starting at the top and rolling ALL the way down.... :)

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