Looking For Unlined, Non-Padded Bras?
My Holy Grail of bras: no lining, no padding, and cute.
Beige bra with embroidered flowers: Felina.
Black lace bra: Victoria's Secret.
Both have matching panties available. (I bought my Felina at Macy's.)
Beige bra with embroidered flowers: Felina.
Black lace bra: Victoria's Secret.
Both have matching panties available. (I bought my Felina at Macy's.)
plus do they even offer any support?
like, when you bounce up the stairs and such.
Techno, because they are underwire I find they have good support, and the lace is stretchy so in fact I think it is more supportive and a closer fit than padding.
As for the headlights, well, in summer it is generally warm so I don't think it's an issue for me. But I am not nipple-shy, maybe I should be!
Girls want to know about bras. Trust.