Sleeping Beaubies

This product cracks me up! It's not a bad product and evidently there is a market for it, but for $24.99 my forearm will fit in there just fine! (Sometimes I wake up that way so I know it works.)

The only problem I ever have with boobs while asleep is that I prefer sleeping on my stomach and it can be uncomfortable. Again, I end up with my forearm offering support. In fact this product would be much funnier if it were shaped like an arm with a hand hanging off the end, no?


Stacy Q said…
Homigosh I must live under a rock! I've never heard of this!!! This is hysterical and if all the women in my family weren't genetically un-endowed, I'd have to buy them all one for Christmas!!!
Rebecca Foster said…
If they weren't $24.99 I would buy them as joke gifts, too. They are hilarious, I agree! I first saw them in China...I have no idea how well they sold there.

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