Breakfast, plus Corn Tortillas Are Always Awesome

Lunch is my biggest and most important meal of the day, but breakfast runs a close second. Dinner? Eh, whatever. Overrated. I never, ever skip lunch or breakfast, but dinner is often just a pain in my heiny. "What, I have to choose what to eat again??" I sleep through dinner all the time. It's hard for me to keep my eyes open from around 5-7, my sleepiest time of the day. And if I have to choose between sleeping and eating, I'll choose sleeping every time. But I digress.

One of my favorite breakfasts is two corn tortillas with melted cheese, onions, black beans and salsa. Delicious and healthy to boot, and it takes about five seconds, perfect for those bleary eyed mornings when I can't keep a thought in my head for more than five seconds. Just take a couple of corn tortillas (for an extra health kick, use the whole kernel ones you can get at Whole Foods or The Good Earth) and sprinkle about 1/4 to 1/2 an ounce of pre-shredded cheese down the center. Then add a tablespoon or two of black beans (I use the canned kind, I like salt), pop it in the microwave for around 30 seconds, until the cheese is melted, then add some chopped onion (leave this out if you're too tired to chop onion safely, and some mornings, yes I am) and hot sauce or hot salsa. Simply roll up and mmmm...the flavors in these little tacos will wake you right up, especially if you use the hot salsa. Aye aye aye!! Wash it down with cold Diet Coke for an extra kick, of course. And you can eat these with your hands, which means no clumsy silverware to navigate either.

Corn and beans combined is a perfect protein so if you are looking for non-meat healthy foods, corn and beans is never a bad idea. (Ditto nuts and whole grains, but that is another post.) If I'm eating breakfast at work, I leave out the beans and onions, so it is not as healthy, but still quick and easy and delicious. Another yummy but less healthy version is melted cheese only, then add fresh sliced avocado, tomatoes and hot sauce.

Corn tortillas are a staple food for me, I always have a bag of them in my fridge. Sometimes I go to the tortilla factory and get fresh ones, which are even good plain. I bake them in wedges as homemade tortilla chips, and you can "grill" them over the gas flame on the stove in around 15 seconds. This takes a bit of skill, but it works. You can even eat them for dessert, just warm them, then add butter, sugar and cinnamon or honey. Wow, I am making my mouth water!


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