One Minute Man

This past weekend I met a guy in an elevator. He was coming home and let me into my friend's call-box building.  We stepped into the elevator together, he said something funny and self-deprecating to break the ice and it took about 45 seconds to get to my floor, but he was 45 seconds of charming and funny, with a kind demeanor. I'll never see him again. But I love these random interactions. They remind me how many cool people there are out there, how much chemistry is yet to be discovered, and how fun it is to meet a funny, charming and good guy. Even if it is only for one minute.

(And of course, because this is me, I managed to make a fool of myself about it. The condos have an iron patio running the length of the floor and my friend was outside on the patio when I arrived. It was a party, so people were spilling in and out the front door. I start telling her, 'Did you know you have a really cute neighbor? He lives upstairs' etc. and then...we hear footsteps overhead. He was outside on the patio, too. Ooops. He totally heard me raving about him. But later that night, he walked past the apartment, twice. One floor down from where he needed to be. I missed seeing him go by because I was facing the other way in front of the living room window, but I heard about it from my friend. He was walking his dog. On the third floor patio. So maybe he didn't mind overhearing after all.)


Sometimes mere coincidences don't always turn out to be mere coincidences at all......I bet you might see him again!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jessica, thanks for the vote of confidence. After all, I do have a friend in the building. :) Maybe you're right.

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