
Not only is Halloween my friend Candace's birthday (holla!), but I love to dress up in cute little costumes. Kitty Cats, Pocahontas, Angels, Devils, I love them all. Because these days, if you want to dress up, you have to be invited to a Masquerade or a Costume Ball. And really, who throws Masquerade or Costume Balls anymore? No one. So Halloween has become du jour for expressing that playful side we normally can't express outside of college and Halloween (and oh, I used to dress up in some fantastic outfits for going out with my roommates Jill and Brooke and Dana in college. I could almost be my college-self for Halloween). Unless, of course, you are a Playboy Bunny like Bridget on The Girls Next Door (the guilty pleasure of almost every girl I know).

Bridget is my favorite because she LOVES dressing up. Every time they go on an excursion or have a party, Bridget has a little costume she wears and because she is a bunny, she can get away with it, even on a random Tuesday. (This was an outfit she wore to go look at historical sites around L.A., if I recall correctly.) I just know Bridget and I would be BFF and every morning we'd get up and say, "Which little costume do I want to wear today?" while standing in front of our revolving Cher in Clueless costume closet. And you know I'd do it, too.

Maybe the appeal of Halloween isn't so much being someone else for a day, but living in another culture for a day, one that lets you be playful without judgment. (Actually, there is still judging though, no? i.e. "How come girls want to dress like sluts on Halloween? I'd like to know why playful shoes, stockings and clothes are so bad?) Bridget gets to dress up every day if she wants to because, hello? Playboy Bunny. As long as she has her clothes on, no one cares what she wears.

I'd wear playful clothes every day if I could. So Halloween, that's my day. Some years I have two or three costumes, just because I can. I start with the shoes and stockings. From there, anything is possible. But the wrong shoes and stockings sinks the outfit. So get that right first, then just have fun with the rest. Also, I have some long argyle socks I can't figure out what to do with, so if you have any ideas, let me know.


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