Good Things to Send to Someone Overseas
Here are some of my favorite things I brought back with me. If you know someone living overseas, these might be things they'd really enjoy: Dry spice mixes, like pesto, alfredo, chili and taco seasonsings Dry ranch dressing powder Dry hot chocolate mix Protein bars (Clif, Atkins, Slimfast, etc.) Swiffer dusters Comet powder Hot sauce Individual lemonade packets (the ones meant for water bottles. I brought back tons of Cherry Limeade and I am loving these) Microwave mini chocolate cakes - just add water Peanut Butter cups (peanut butter is a very American/Canadian thing. When I offered to bring things back for fellow volunteers, this was the number one request!) These are all things that are difficult to find overseas, are pretty small, and can make a big difference in the psyche of someone living without the comforts of home.