Good Things to Send to Someone Overseas

Here are some of my favorite things I brought back with me. If you know someone living overseas, these might be things they'd really enjoy:

Dry spice mixes, like pesto, alfredo, chili and taco seasonsings
Dry ranch dressing powder
Dry hot chocolate mix
Protein bars (Clif, Atkins, Slimfast, etc.)
Swiffer dusters
Comet powder
Hot sauce
Individual lemonade packets (the ones meant for water bottles. I brought back tons of Cherry Limeade and I am loving these)
Microwave mini chocolate cakes - just add water
Peanut Butter cups (peanut butter is a very American/Canadian thing. When I offered to bring things back for fellow volunteers, this was the number one request!)

These are all things that are difficult to find overseas, are pretty small, and can make a big difference in the psyche of someone living without the comforts of home. 


Jenn-n-n said…

I saw this recipe somewhere once, but I can't remember where so I had to search for it.

It looks simple, and I'm pretty sure you'd be able to get the ingredients there, if not maybe someone could send you some.

Anyway, it's PERFECT for one person:

Coffee Mug Chocolate Cake Recipe #326957
This is great for those times when I have a chocolate craving that just won't go away. It's quick, easy and makes a very small portion. I've tried it with semi-sweet chocolate chips, can't wait to try it with peanut butter chips and white chocolate chips. Great for an afternoon snack for the kids and it's simple enough that they can make it themselves.
by Donna H
8 min | 5 min prep

SERVES 1 -2 , 1 cup

4 tablespoons flour (not self-rising)
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
nuts (optional)
1 dash vanilla
Required: 1 coffee mug.
Add dry ingredients to coffee mug and mix well.
Add the egg and mix well.
Add milk and oil and mix well.
Add vanilla, chocolate chips and nuts if desired.
Put the mug in the microwave and cook on high for 3 minutes.
The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed. Allow to cool a little and tip out onto a plate if desired.

© 2009 Recipezaar. All Rights Reserved.

Share your experience with others, and post your comments on the recipe. Type 326957 in the Search box at the top of Recipezaar, to get back to this recipe easily.

I hope you can use this.
Technodoll said…
Comet powder?? Whoda thunkit... what do they use for cleaning over there?

Peanut butter, can't live without it... when I lived in Germany in the early 90's I was desperate for chips, cheezies, doritos. All they had was paprika or plain chips, yuck!
Matt said…
What, no request for hair dye from reputable sources?
Rebecca said…
Jenn, thanks! I am missing some of the ingredients but I think I could jimmyrig it.

Techno: they have regular soap, but I am all about the bleach for cleaning. I've been making my own solution, but Comet is so cheap I brought some back with me.

Dal, haha. It's one of those things I can let slide. As we say here, "TIC." "This Is China."
Anonymous said…
nice post. thanks.

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