Licking This Guy

Okay, I haven't licked him, but I'm pretty sure I would love it. I think it's the eyes. And the hair. He reminds me of a quotation I once read: "It's unfortunate that women find rash men so appealing, but they do, because deep down every woman knows a man who won't kill for her is useless." 

I have a habit of saying I want to lick people. And by "people" I mean "hot men." I don't mean it literally, it just means: "Mmmmm, tasty!" If I describe a guy as "I kinda wanted to lick him," i.e. my co-teacher and neighbor Andrew answering the door shirtless, I mean it as a compliment.

(Picture: Actor Robert Pattinson) 


Rebex said…
I don't know anyone that makes me laugh as much as you do.
Jenn-n-n said…
teeheehee we are WAY too much alike .... I always say " I wanna lick you ALLLLLL OVAH" to my special peeps
Rebecca Foster said…
Rebex, I don't know anyone I enjoy making laugh more.

Jennn, I am in good company then!

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