
Did you know I'm famous in China?  Well, I am. People on the street take my picture, stare, sometimes even film me. Today I happened to run into two of the other American teachers at my school, we stopped in the plaza to chat for a minute. One of the guys suddenly said, "Don't look over, but that guy is filming us." It didn't really phase us, we just kept talking. You get used to it. Foreigners are still such a novelty here, people are curious about us. I understand the staring, we catch them off guard. I don't really understand the taking pictures and filming though: are you going to make a slideshow/video for your next party??

One thing I loved about being back in America is blending in. I don't really enjoy the attention we get here, but I've gotten used to it. I didn't even look over at the guy filming. In the end, it doesn't really matter. 


The Bingham's said…
I am just waiting for you to show up on America's Funniest Home Videos or something like that :)
Rebex said…
Ha ha! That is too funny. Probably quite annoying, but still funny. :)
Rebex said…
PS: I love your new blog design. :)

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