5 Ways To Be Awesome In China
In China, locals will tell you you're awesome in an attempt to give you "face." ("Face" is a little bit like good reputation or positive standing and it is an extremely important element in Chinese culture; causing someone to lose face is about the worst thing you can do here. Hence the government's reluctance to admit errors-- it causes them to lose face.) Here are five things I get told are awesome about me in an attempt to give me "face." Please note, these five things do not make me awesome!They are just things foreigners are often complimented on. 1. My eyes. Girls I meet here will often say, "You have really beautiful eyes." What they mean is, "You have round eyes that have an upper lid/lower lid crease fold." Eyelid tape and plastic surgery to create the Western round/double lid look is popular here. There are plastic surgery ads all over the place, but instead of advertising big boobs and lipo, they advertise eye shape...