My New Friend

I was grading papers today in the school's courtyard and this very cute little girl wandered over to stare at me. I was eating these little cracker thingies so I gave her one, and then we were BFF.  How cute is she? I see about a hundred cute little girls every day. They are just adorable here.

(And can you see what's in the background? SUNSHINE. It was a Chonx miracle!)

She's trying to peer into my cell phone camera lens. After I took her picture, she wanted to see it on my phone. She was a very self-aware pre-schooler. And btw, whatever I could smear on my face to make my skin look like hers, I'd do it. No questions asked.


Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh to be young and have flawless skin...and enjoy crackers with a new friend!!
Katie said…
I agree. I would smear pretty much anything on my skin if it would look like that. Pretty much.

She is so darling. And I'm not even a huge fan of kids.
Technodoll said…
Porcelain skin, not a pore in sight and there probably never will be.

I spill jealousy all over this blog comment.

Anonymous said…
It seems like kids in China are all cute and curious =)

As for the skin treatment, I heard most stuff in China bleaches your skin to make it whiter. Is that true?
Kristina said…
Hey Rebecca... she's a cutie... I heart the adorable kids here. :)

FYI- I went to google, typed in "Chinglish Shirt" and your face popped up in the images! Pretty awesome... you have been Chinglish-ed!

@mutedstep- Yes, pretty much everything used on skin has bleach in it... stay away!
And many of them use makeup that is many shades whiter than their skin... I have some awesome pictures of my face after a winter concert. I looked like a mix between a Japanese kabuki girl and bride of Frankenstein... it was interesting. :)
Scarlet said…
What a cutie, I agree. Find out her beauty secrets and please share! :)
Matt said…
I was about that age when my parents brought me to Ocean Beach in New London for fireworks.

I wasn't lost. I knew just where I was when I hopped up on a bench and carried on an extended conversation with the woman and her husband who were sitting there.

My opinion of "lost" and my mom's ended up not being the same :)
Oh how ADORABLE! I love kids at that age...

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