I'm Wearing This Outfit On The Plane Home

When I first got here, one of the girls who had already been here a year told me I would know I had assimilated when I started thinking the local fashion was cute, not crazy. Yup. I was walking behind this girl on campus. She pulls this outfit off quite well, don't you think?

Also, notice her boyfriend is carrying her purse and umbrella? It's a sign of love here for a guy to carry all your crap. My students asked me if in America, the boys carry their girlfriend's purses. I tried to say, 'Hells to the no!" as tactfully possible. The dating culture is firmly stuck in the 1950's here. A student recently turned in an essay that said guys here will ask a girl out by sending her a note that says, "I would be the water that grows the flower. Will you be the flower?" I am not making this up.


Busy Bee Suz said…
This is very sweet....I would love to have someone carry all my crap too. Well, I do have that someone, but I would not ask him to carry my purse.
Scarily, my youngest dresses like this. And she is fascinated by China. My future???? Perhaps a child living in China?????
Scarlet said…
You make me want to be a teenager in China. How sweet and romantic it must be to dress any way you like and then have a guy carry all your crap and call you his "flower." ;)
The Bingham's said…
I think in some ways we need to go back to dating like the 1950's here in the USA. It says a lot about a culture when they treat each other that way. Very sweet.
Marianne said…
I think that's cute! James won't hold the diaper bag or push the stroller- apparently that's emasculating. Oh well. Because his dad is from the South he grew up around some (I think) totally sexist ways. He often comes home from work and shouts, "Woman, get me my chicken pot pie and beer!"
And then I just laugh at him.
It all sounds so romantic to me. I like it!
Matt said…
That's a really nice photo for a quick cellphone snap -- I love the synchronized shoe soles.

>I think in some ways we need to
>go back to dating like the 1950's
>here in the USA.

Of course, I'm watching Mad Men as I'm reading that...I think it depends which 1950s you're talking about!

Although I really wish we could drink during the business day still.
Technodoll said…
I've always been a fan of eccentric clothing! go for it!!
Katie said…
Wow. I can't even imagine a guy saying something like that. And honestly, if he did I might suspect him of brain damage.

I guess we're all messed up here.

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