The Friend Text Crux Hypothesis

I have another friendship theory: the better the friend, the more words I use in texts that are not in my phone's dictionary. I hate adding words manually, but some people seem to bring out the non-dictionary words in me and it must be done. (This is the worst part of getting a new phone, adding back in all the words I need.) The boring people, or the ones I don't like as much? All the words are there. Hmmm.

I think this is kind of an awesome theory, I wonder if I could get a linguistics grant to study it further?


Its not a bad idea, but I wonder how many new words could be added to the dictionary? I know teen girls with new slang coming out all the time would simply love it! Great idea!
Katie said…
I totally support your theory! My best friends have their own added text vocabular.
Busy Bee Suz said…
You are too funny. I like this theory!

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