Cute Things My Students Said On Their Final Exams

Final exams are over!  Hoo-freaking-ray! But I did chuckle a few times at some of the things they came up with on their final English exams. A few examples from my Tourism major students, about Mardi Gras:

“Mardi Gras is the Oily Tuesday” (I love how her language processing center made the connection from ‘Fat’ to ‘Oily’)

“In Mardi Gras day, children always go to other’s house to get sweets, and say ‘trick or treat.’ It is celebrated on December 31st.”

“It is celebrated during the month which is before the Christomary.”

“Mardi Gras is have one die but no one sad.”

“Mardi Gras is the people who don’t eat meat.”

And my personal favorite:

“Mardi Gras is paradise in the street.”

A few things they said about differences between Western and Chinese eating customs:

“In America, you can drink too much wine at diner, but in China, you can drink as much as you want.” (I’m not sure where she got this idea, but probably from a tv show or movie where someone says, “I drank too much wine at dinner!”

“American will use a                 to avoid the polute.” I have no idea what this means, but I’m curious about that missing word.

A few items that can be eaten politely with the hands:

“Chili” “Apple drinks” “Chopsticks”

This student really believes all Americans are cowboys:

“A motel is a place where offer some services for person and the horse which is used in travelling.”

But one of my favorite moments was from an English major doing an oral presentation about Hawaii. He showed a picture of a beautiful Hawaiian sunset, and underneath he had written the caption “The sun its gonna rise!”

I also learned that ‘carousel’ is translated directly from Chinese as ‘galloper.’ I kinda like ‘galloper’ better.

My students are adorable.


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Mandy said…
Those are all adorable! I like the "Mardi Gras is paradise in the street."
What? All Americans aren't cowboys? LOL...thats the cutest!
Busy Bee Suz said…
Your students ARE adorable...I love this.
Before we moved to Dallas...I really thought all Texans were cowboys!!!!
Technodoll said…
You have enough material in there to write a book! LOL!

The Bingham's said…
Thanks for the laugh, I love it. They are great. You do really need to save these for later to look at.
Ileana said…
What a riot! I love the one about the motel and horse! Hilarious!!

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