Those Sneaky Canadians!

Two stories:

R. went to Beijing last week with some visiting American family and friends. They were on a bus going to the Great Wall, discussing China, Chinese culture etc. They were also jockeying for new seats and started talking about an empty seat next to a Chinese guy sitting in front of them.

R. to her sister, in English: "Do you think that seat is available?"
Chinese guy, in English: "Yeah, this seat is available."
R., in her head: "Oh crap, he just understood everything we've been saying about China!"
R., to the Chinese guy, in English: "Your English is really good! Which [Chinese] province are you from?"
Chinese guy: "Ontario."

Hahahaha, this still makes me laugh! And it reminded me of the time last year when N. and I were checking into our hotel room and having trouble with the card key. These two kids, and their mom, were opening the door to their hotel room across the hall at the same time we were struggling. The two kids (about 9 and 10) came over and helped us with our key, and told us in English how to insert it and jiggle it around etc. Nicole told their mom, in Chinese if I recall, "Your children speak English really well." The mom: "They're Canadian."

I was thinking the exact same thing as N., she just said it first. D'oh! Lesson learned: watch out for sneaky Canadians! Just teasing, I love you guys. Real lesson learned: always wear clean shoes, you never know when you'll be putting your foot in your mouth!


Stephanie said…
LOL Yeah for Canada!
myself said…
Yep, we're sneaky buggers, I scared a couple of people from France in London when I answered their question about the Underground that they were bandying about between French! I speak 3 languages, this occurs frequently to me... hehehe. We're sneaky :P yay multiculuralism!
Little Fish said…
Ha! Well usually I can tell Canadians by there flappy heads and beady eyes (old school South Park reference for you!).
Busy Bee Suz said…
That is so funny!!!
Curly said…
Love that story! My friend's parents had the same experience while in Japan (they are also Canadian, born here to Japanese parents).

We're sneaky, us Canadians :)
Technodoll said…
He he! Most awesome :-D
Ileana said…
Ha! I love it! I remember a couple of Puerto Rican girls in NY saying things about me in Spanish and when I replied to them in Spanish (after they went on and on about "la gringa"), they just stood there with their mouths wide open. It was priceless.
How uncanny! Those Canadians indeed!
Rebecca Foster said…
Myself, that is so impressive! Wow, I bow down. I am not good at learning languages, that is a real talent. I can only imagine that scene, and it makes me laugh. And I agree, multiculturalism is awesome!

Little fish, I love that reference. That movie cracked me up.

Ily, I have had that happen a few times here with people assuming I can't understand Chinese. We tell them in Chinese, you have bad manners (which is a big insult here) and it shuts them right up. Priceless, indeed!

Glad you all laughed, I did too.

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