New Year Adventures of Panda Girl

My new favorite hat:

You might think this looks silly, but animal hats are all the fashion here. I'm so wearing it when I go to the U.S. in February to see my grandma; she is going to crack up when she sees it, and I can't wait. It's a great hat, btw, it feels like you're wearing a blanket on your head. I've started wearing it to bed to keep warm.

New Year's Eve turned out to be much more fun than I anticipated. My friend T. organized a trip up a mountain to ring in the new year, but as I told him, not only do I not climb mountains in the dark in the dead of winter, I don't even pretend I want to. So instead I went to my friend V.'s house. V. is awesome, because A: he is from the South, so we speak the same social language, and B: he loves brie and baguettes, tomato salad and nutella as much as I do. We ate these yummy things for dinner, then went downtown to meet up with a few friends. We watched fireworks and rang in the New Year at midnight in a beer garden with other revelers, then went into a club and danced the night away. Our mountain friends came down off the mountain to join us, so it was a big all-night lovefest. What a great way to ring in the new year! Here's a picture of me trying to eat J.'s nutella. As you can see by his face, he did not think this was as funny as I did.

My New Year's Day weekend trip was so interesting! And so Chinese. I'll tell more about in the coming days, but it ended up being just me, the director of the Foreign Affairs Office, and his whole extended family. I was honored he asked me to spend the weekend with his family. They were wonderfully hospitable to me, and made me feel very welcome. I was on pins and needles the whole weekend, making sure I didn't do something to offend anyone. (There is a strict pecking order in Chinese families. I'll talk more about this later, too.) My director's nieces were very cute, and took a liking to me. They always wanted to sit next to me and hold my hand. Here's a picture of us in the backseat of the car:

And here's a picture of part of the group in a city called DuJiangYan, a World Heritage Site located near Chengdu, Sichuan province. At this place, they started using dams and irrigation 2,600 years ago, and the same system is still used today. Pretty neat:

I'll post some more pictures tomorrow, and give more details about my trip. Hope you all had a great New Year!


Little Fish said…
Sounds like a wonderful new years. Glad you had such a great start to 2010!
Busy Bee Suz said…
You are living such an adventure!! I LOVE the panda hat...I will have to show it to my good friend Dawn..she adores Pandas and has a few panda purses.
Mandy said…
I agree with the previous comment -- you are living an adventure! And that panda hat looks so incredibly warm. It was 9 degrees this morning when I took my unhatted self out to start my car and decided right then and there that I MUST start wearing a hat.
myself said…
Ok. I want a panda hat now, soooooo not fair! lol Sounds like you had a wonderful new year!
Ileana said…
That hat looks adorable on you! I'd so wear it in Miami! :)

The pics are all great. I love reading about all your adventures! Bring on more pics!!
Katie said…
Based on food preference alone you and I should be bffs! Those are all of my favorite foods.

And your hat=coolest thing EVER.

You make me happy.
Those pictures are so fun! Love that 'red' in your hair! Good luck right?
Technodoll said…
Oh, how sweeeet! You look beautiful, as always, and the girls are so pretty!

Love, love, love your hat - may have to steal it.


Stephanie said…
You are such a hat gir! You know the kind of girl who can get away with wearing just any kind of hat and look beautiful:)
Sounds like a fab New Years...and I'm gald you stayed off that mountain at night!
mjfoster77 said…
Um... yes,m I ahve to agree with you and everyone else... the hat ROCKs! and I totally want one now too...

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