The Lighter (blue-eyed) Side

I really like Jake Gyllenhaal, mostly because he kinda looks like a caveman, like he could get stuff done. I like that. I should have been born in the year 3000 B.C., I'm attracted to men who are physically strong and can do stuff. Is that so wrong*? (I'd also put Vin Diesel in this category.)

*And who also have a brain, a sense of humor, and are kind. I ask for a lot, I know!


Busy Bee Suz said…
He is perfect. right???
I love men who can get things done.
Luckily I married one. He is on the 'softer' side of life now...but still gets all the stuff done!!!
Stephanie said…
Oh there is nothing wrong with shooting for the moon! Love a strong good lookin guy who can get things done:_
Mandy said…
I agree, those blue eyes get me every time.
thatgirlblogs said…
so cute. but why did he/reese witherspoon break up? they were adorable.
I've always had a thing for dark hair and blue eyes. I think he's got a very distinct look.

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