The ‘Most’ List: Hainan Edition

Most Unusual Food Eaten: ‘Drunken Shrimp,’ or, raw shrimp soaking in a bowl of Chinese rice wine. The wine gets the shrimp drunk/dead, and they are eaten raw. I ate one (1). It wasn’t too bad, but I wouldn’t eat one (1) again. We also ate this yummy stuff,

Fresh Seafood

which we picked out beforehand from the live menu:

Picking Out Dinner

Most Ego Gratifying Moment: Andrew bowing down to my awesome genetic makeup, which allowed me to spend days on the beach without burning. (He spent... minutes before turning red.)

Most Comfortable Moment: Beach chair, blue sky, sunshine, the gentle waves of the South China Sea. Ahhhh… (Picture taken by Andrew.)

Most Life-Affirming Moment: Stepping out of the airport into the clear, fresh air of Hainan Island. After the smoggy, sunblocking cauldron of Chongqing, I could almost feel the oxygen rushing back into my brain. And the lingering skin rashes I’ve been having? Gone. Pollution sucks, yo.

Most Regretted Missed Tour Opportunity: The ‘Archaic Sacred Beast Fantasy Tour.’

Fantasy Beast Tour

Most Ditzy Moment: I left my iPod behind at the hotel. I always forget something. The hotel found it and is shipping it to me, but it won’t be here until after I leave for America. Thirty six hours of airports and airplanes with no iPod will be an old school adventure.

Most Karmic Moment: Standing in the airport security line flying home, this girl rushes up to us and insists all princess snotty-like that she has to cut in line because her plane is going to leave. We let her cut in front of us, but were annoyed at her behavior. Then we board the plane: she’s sitting right next to us! HAHA! She tried to sink into her seat, invisible, the whole way home. (Andrew was going to tell her, “So, I see you made your plane,” but because sarcasm isn't used here, she wouldn’t have gotten it.)

I got home today, and I leave in 36 hours for America. It takes about 36 hours to get home (flying time + layovers). I hate flying, especially internationally, so I am a bundle of nerves right now. I’m unpacking, cleaning and packing again as fast as I can. I will catch up with you all very soon!


Stephanie said…
Oh dear! 36 hours with no Ipod! That is some quality alone time:)

Love the pics of the live menu!! Wow!

Thanks for posting all about your adventure:)
myself said…
Not sure I could make it without the ipod, may the force be with you!

Nice pics :) good trip, I don't like flying either!
The Bingham's said…
Looks like you had an amazing trip. Hope the flight home goes well and Welcome to America!!
Busy Bee Suz said…
Your trip looks amazing...I ADORE that picture of you on the beach. Great job Andrew!
Safe travels..can't wait to see what adventures you have arriving home!!
Mandy said…
The picture of you sitting on the beach looks like complete serenity. Safe travels on your way back to the states.
Technodoll said…
Have a GREAT time in the US of A, hopefully you won't suffer too much of a culture shock! ha ha!

You'll be missed, hurry up and post again pleeease!

ps: drunken shrimp? Ew! You are BRAVE :-D
I love the way you summed it all up. Very insightful too. I dont think I could have done the drunken shrimp - but you only live once right? I'm glad you had a wonderful time at the beach, that you got great clean lungs full of air and that your rashes left! You are correct, pollution sucks..! I cant wait for you to come back to fresh air in America too. I am excited about your return. Hope you have a safe flight! Huggs!
Ileana said…
I guess I should say WELCOME HOME (since I'm a lil late)! Hope you made it back safe and sound.

That drunken shrimp sounds awful to me but I'm intrigued by the way it's served. I'm also impressed that you ate least once.

PS - That's a beautiful picture of your most comfy moment. :)
yrautca said…
Great post. That beach pic is awesome. I hope you have a good time back in the USSR.

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