Can’t See The Salad For The Dressing

A couple of random things:

Last Saturday night I went for a quick run at my campus track. I was about halfway through when this guy decides to start running with me, like 6 inches from my elbow. Um, hello buddy, you are NOT welcome here! I hate running with a partner, especially an uninvited one who just decides he'll be my new best friend. I tried to speed up and slow down, to no avail. My only choices were to ignore him or stop running. I ignored him. I could see him turning his head to stare at me every few minutes, but he never said a word to me. I finished my last 6 laps and when I stopped, he left the track.

Now, in Chinese culture it's okay to get really close to people. But I still think it was weird. If this had happened in America, I’d have been worried he was going to follow me home and eat my liver. As it was, I was just annoyed. I knew he didn't mean anything by it, but it made me uncomfortable. I am NOT A TOY OR AN ANIMAL! I am a person. I think some people here forget that.

I think I am going to start running at V.'s school. They have a nicer track than mine anyway.


Here is perhaps my favorite scene from Community so far:



Yup, this would totally work on me, too.


This Saturday I will host a dinner and dessert and movie night at my apartment for a few close friends. I got an Easter box from my mom, including a 1 lb chocolate Easter Bunny that has 2,600 calories. I can't bring myself to keep it around, so I'm melting it down to make fondue. (I did break off and eat the ears, though; they are the tastiest part!) R. and I will make fresh pound cake for dipping in the fondue. I also got a bottle of Brianna's Asiago Caesar dressing, so we are going to make chicken Caesar salads, eat fondue, and then watch Ninja Assassin. V. said, "Salad? I'll just eat the dessert." I told him I don't want to eat salad so much as I want to eat the Caesar dressing; this just saves me the shame of eating it by tablespoon. I think some men don't really understand the concept of salad. Hint: it ain't always about the vegetables.


Busy Bee Suz said…
So funny...he pulled a Don Drapper.

Yes, dressing makes the salad!!!

Ewwwww CLOSE runner. That would freak my freak. Seriously.
Busy Bee Suz said…
Have a great Easter!
Mandy said…
A man who that to me, would completely freak me out as well. Espeically since he didnt say anything and stared at you. Gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

A movie night with fresh pound cake and fondue? That sounds fabulous and quite delicious.
Rebex said…
What a creeper! I can't believe that's acceptable behavior there. Eww!

Oh, and I loved the video clip. That would probably work on me too, to be honest. :)
The Bingham's said…
Community is one of my new favorite shows. I loved that scene too. Well, that whole episode was too die for. Joel McHale is way built, who would have thought. He looks good without his shirt on!!!

I totally agree about the salad too. I got excited the other day because I was trying a new dressing and Eric didn't get it. I thought, oh well, more for me!
yrautca said…
That runner dude does sound a bit creepy. Enjoy the Easter weekend.
Technodoll said…
Ah, you're just too nice... I would have stopped running (not that I ever run, ha ha!) and asked that douche point-blank: ya want something? no? bugger off!

I'm an old sour beatch, what can I say. LOL

And ceasar salad? Don't get me started. it's a MEAL! cheese, croutons, bacon bits galore, mmmm dressing!

oh, and some lettuce.


Do have an AWESOME dinner party!
Haha, you cracked me up! Eat your liver! haha...not all Americans anyway.

But honestly, I find it so bizarre that a stranger would run right next to you in pace. Wierd!
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