Life in Chongqing, In Video

I’ve found a bunch of videos I forgot I made. I’m going to post a few today and tomorrow. They’re all with my camera, so not high quality. I need a Flip.

Here’s a recent video from a restaurant. It shows us ordering a local specialty dish made with scalding river rocks; they are added to a bucket with oil, and when the oil is boiling from the heat of the rocks, beef and veggies are added. I especially like this video because it gives you an idea of the noise level in Chinese restaurants, and it shows how diverse Chinese food is.

Here I am on a booze cruise last year on one of the rivers straddling Chongqing (this side is the Jiangliang, not the Yangtze). It gives a pretty good view of the Chongqing skyline. You can hear me in the background saying, “Does it have Anderson Cooper?”

Names withheld to protect the innocent, but here I am with a few friends last winter in Xi’An. We were in our hostel room and maybe had a little cabin fever, but it was freezing outside! The drink they’re talking about is baijiu, the traditional Chinese liquor made from rice that is basically rubbing alcohol as a drink. Someone added baijiu to one of the beer bottles and you see the results*….

The worst part is my laugh, I’m a little embarrassed by it. I sound like a dork. You can also hear me at the end saying, “I’m not taking that.” “Fuling special” refers to the town where Nicole lives; she was with me on the bed. My favorite line: “Honestly? If I didn’t know that that, that that was what that was?” Huh?

Oh, sorry it’s sideways, I thought I could rotate it, but I can’t. But still amusing!

*He says a cuss word here, so if that offends you, don’t watch.


Stephanie said…
Love these! do you know when the meat is cooked? Yes I am paranoid about those kinds of things, and your hostel video. Reminds me so much of University dorm days. :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
These are great. I was smiling all through them. LOvE seeing how they cook the food. AMAzING. But noisy...I could not eat there nightly.
The cruise views are amazing as well. I was thinking: "that is just another part of our world that I have NOT seen"
The boys dancing are fun. I am going to remember his face when he got the SPECIAL beer. cute.
yrautca said…
Interesting. Your third video didnt work though. I like the concept of a booze cruise.
Rebecca Foster said…
Hmmm, I can see it when I view my blog, so I'm not sure why it's not working for you.
mjfoster77 said…
AWESOME and HI-LARIOUS videos!! Thanks for sharing! I actually think I'm a little jealous - I would love the noise and bustle of the restaurants. Having dinner at mom's must have made you feel like you were eating in a Monastery (but with better food)!!
Technodoll said…
Now I have a HUGE craving for chinese food, but all we have here is north-american crap so even if I had any, I'd still be left wanting.

Send me some.


Loved your videos, can't wait for more! more!

Pretty please :-)
Anonymous said…
Hi. I just want you to know I've been here several times and been unable to comment...I don't know if it's my computer, blogger, or's happened to me on several other blogs, also. Anyway, that being said, love the new look! Great toilet; I think I'd have to send someone outside to look...and the numbering? I'd spend all day puzzled.
If I'm unable to comment again, just know I'm thinking of you.
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