Remembering Dad

March 2nd is my dad’s birthday. (I use the word ‘is’ not ‘was’ because I decided dying doesn’t cancel your birth.) When I was in the U.S., I stayed the night with my step-mom in their house. It was hard to be so reminded of him. The things I inherited from him are currently in storage. It reminded me it’s going to still be hard to go through all those things, even three years later.

My step-sister made this photo collage of my dad with pictures of him and his grandchildren. I thought it was really beautiful and want to share it with those of you who knew my dad. Those of you who didn’t know him, maybe now you will “know” him a little. (Click to enlarge)


March 11th is the anniversary of his death. It is hard not to think about all the days leading up to the day: the last meal, the last time he was coherent, the last words we said to each other. They've been on my mind a lot lately, as well as all of the repercussions of that day. I’m still trying to make sense of them. In some things I have found a measure of peace, but other things are still tough. My consolation is that I learned to be a stronger, and I hope, a more empathetic person.


Ileana said…
Teaching a child to be strong, hopeful and empathetic is an invaluable gift. Your dad sounds like he was a giving and loving man.

Peace and love to you, Chica...and btw, that's a beautiful collage!
Busy Bee Suz said…
**hugs to you**
I understand this all too well.
Having peace in your heart will keep you strong...and keep his memories close to your heart.
Your dad lives on through you - I see so much of his goodness and happy nature in you. Uncle Bobby IS a wonderful man.
The Bingham's said…
I LOVE that collage. He IS an amazing man and has some amazing children. I just think the world of you guys and I know that Uncle Bob is still with you guys and is extremely happy with what you are and what you have learned. Love you!!
Marianne said…
I have a really hard time going to my Mom's house. To me, it is the place where Bob died-I don't know it just makes me really sad. I miss our old house where we lived together, fought together, made memories together learned to love eath other, ect.
I'll be thinking of you this week, and hoping that it's not too hard.

One thing to cheer you up: In the picture on the very bottom left, I am acting like a total jackass. I don't think that most people notice it. Ha ha. I think Bob would laugh.
Lawrence Reece said…
Unle Bob is the coolest Uncle a young boy could ever have to look up to. I remember going through the stuff he left at Grandma and Grandpas. (while at college)There was all this science stuff about rockets and jets it was very cool, to me as a young boy. I think he blew up a stump at G&G's backyard too. (very cool) The coolest though was all his MAD magazines! I spent hours reading them even though I only got half the stuff.
I can't look at a MAD magazine without thinking of uncle Bob.
I just wanted to give you a different perspective of your Dad.
"Smile just like your Dad did!"
Rebecca Foster said…
Ily and BBS, thank you for your kind words. It helps to know others have been through this.

It's so nice to hear from others who have memories of my dad, thank you for sharing! It really cheered me up. I love hearing about his life before I came along. And he used to buy me MAD magazine when I was a little girl, now I know why! That's really funny.
Little Fish said…
I'm just seeing this now and sending you lots of hugs and love. The photo collage is beautiful and you can tell how much your dad loved those kids just by looking at the pictures.
yrautca said…
Well I didnt know the Dad but from what I know of the daughter, he is a proud man.
Technodoll said…
**hugs** to you Rebecca... I commend you for posting this, it must have been quite difficult. Your dad is proud, I am sure! (and he's so handsome!)
Mandy said…
Sending big hugs. I love that you honor his birthday and what a beautiful collage. Cherish those memories and keep them close.

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