Pajamas As Fashionable and Cool Daily Wear

A recent article in the New York Times about the attempt to curb the wearing of pajamas as daily wear in Shanghai tickled my funny bone and made me realize how much I forget to write about here. (Click here to read the article.)

You see, it is very common to see people in their pajamas at all hours of the day walking the streets of my city. And it would appear, other cities in China. And it is so common place, I've never written about it, because it has ceased to surprise me.

My first year here, I was sort of in mini-meltdown mode 3/4 of the time. And a lot of the wonderful and strange things about China I should have been writing about then, I wasn't. And now...I forget they're remarkable. I have failed you, my dear blog readers, for bringing you the thorough reality of life in China!

But here's one: people wear pajamas as daily clothes. I suppose it is not so different from running around in gym clothes/track suits? The most popular pjs here are quilted. They do look very puffy and comfortable, I admit.


Mandy said…
I recommend bringing this trend back with you and making it popular here.
Busy Bee Suz said…
That is so funny. I don't know if I could do this...but then again, most of my pj's do look like normal stuff. ie: boxers and t's.
Technodoll said…
That's it, I'm moving to China! I love my jammies and would kill to wear them 24/7! So comfy!! :-D
I still wear pajamas out to walk the dog in the morning and to the gorcery store at times. It's Maine. Noone cares here either. I say PJ's all the time!
Ileana said…
Always ready for a pajama party, huh? I LOVE it! I think we should bring this custom to the US!! lol

PS - Maybe I shouldn't even get dressed for work this week. You've inspire me, Chica!! ;)
That walmart link is funny. But I know people here who wear pjs to the store late at night. I think its cause pjs are soo comfy and they can pass for clothes too!
Matt said…
>I think its cause pjs are soo comfy
>and they can pass for clothes too!

I don't know if you've ever seen the show "What Not To Wear" ... Stacey & Clinton would not deem that statement acceptable :)

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