Seaweed Pringles and The Power of Cod

A few random pictures I took last week:

Seaweed Pringles:

Eating 4th of July 'American Potato Salad with Chinese Characteristics' with chopsticks:

The NBA is super popular here; this is a kid's team practicing on my campus, outfitted in Lakers jerseys. Licensed by the Lakers? I have no idea...but I'm guessing no:

Guy sitting across from me on the subway; his t-shirt says "Cnly Cod Can Judge Me":


Mandy said…
I'm sort of curious about the seaweed pingles. Did you try them? Also, I've decided that they have the most interesting t-shirts in China.
myself said…
Hrm. Seaweed pringles. I actually like the taste of nori, so I'd probably like 'em. The one beside the seaweed "pinquancy flavor" made me laugh.
myself said…
Hrm. Seaweed pringles. I actually like the taste of nori, so I'd probably like 'em. The one beside the seaweed "pinquancy flavor" made me laugh.
Busy Bee Suz said…
Seaweed? No thanks.
Cod judges me all the time dang it.
I love weird chip flavors. I thought ketchup was a weird canadian flavor but very good, so I'd be curious about the seaweed pringles.
Ileana said…
I'd love to try those Pringles to see what they taste like. I can't imagine a seaweed-flavored chip.
Rebecca Foster said…
I haven't tried the Pringles, but I will, and I'll report back.
yrautca said…
Great pictures. Thanks.
Technodoll said…
China and Japan have CRAZY variations on our popular junk food! Did you taste the seaweed pringles? :-o

Religion is fishy so that t-shirt seems bang-on to me, ha ha!
Stephanie said…
Seaweed? umm no thanks! I think I would get nice and skinny in China:)
Tracey Axnick said…
"Cod" as ultimate judge... sounds like a SpongeBob character. :)

I'll have to pass on the seaweed Pringles. Ick.

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