Chengdu Airport Adventures: This Is How You Make Friends!

My last day in China, I was flying out of the Chengdu International Airport, the first flight of the day to Shanghai. It was delayed (I'm pretty sure the pilot was still eating breakfast or something), so I was caught in a big cattle call of a waiting area. Every so often an employee would get up and yell into a megaphone about one of the 10 or so departing (late!) flights from that gate.

Chaos in China? I know, shocker!

So I pushed my way to the front of the crowd, and after about five minutes went by, I realized I was resting tmy arm and hand holding my boarding pass on the back of the guy standing in front of me. Like, my forearm and hand were full-on laying all over him. And it took me five minutes to notice I was doing this. And he never even turned around. And today this guy at the gas station was standing a full 8 feet behind the person in front of him in line, and it just annoyed me to no end. WHO NEEDS 8 FEET? It took all of my restraint not to cut in front of him in line and pretend I didn't realize what I was doing.

The other memorable thing that happened at the airport that last morning in Chengdu was when a French couple came up next to me in the crowd, but had missed what the megaphone guy said. I didn't want to be presumptuous that they spoke English, so I started repeating the announcement to them in Mandarin. The guy looked at me for a second and then said, "Excuse me, but do you speak English?" Haha, it was one of those cultural moments I miss.


Matt said…
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Matt said…
Je nes parle pas francais bien.

Although I'm told I have very good pronunciation.

The few times I've had to use it when there wasn't an alternative lingua franca (oh the irony of that term) being able to say that little bit helped put folks more at ease, even if I couldn't speak with them beyond that.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I only give myself 4 feet between others in line.
You are so funny!!!!
Stephanie said…
LOL Personal space is going to be a big adjustment for you!
Oh and I adore the new picture you have up. You are so gorgeous:)
Mandy said…
I would have never thought about personal space differences, interesting. I agree, no one needs 8 feet, thats completely excessive.
Technodoll said…
You know, just because they were French... I would have repeated in Mandarin and shook my head No English :-D

But I am so mean.

8 feet. Were they stinky feet?
Ileana said…
Interesting differences, and what's up with 8 feet of distance? It's not like the guy in front of him needs all that room. Then again, at the grocery store when someone has their items so close to mine that they ring theirs up as mine...I have a problem with that (but that's like no inches of personal space between us).

I love how you find these little cultural difference popping up throughout your day and are able to make light of it. It's all so interesting to me.
Tracey Axnick said…
First - LOVE the new profile photo... you really are a fabulous babe, you know... ;)

Second, I am SOOO with you on the personal space thing! Although I'm not "Chinese" in my personal space (I do need SOME space), it drives me bonkers when people leave too MUCH space... like especially at the ATM... hello...? You need to stand back 10 YARDS? Or what, give the person a mistaken impression that you're going to RUSH up and SNATCH their money and RUN AWAY?! Crazy.

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