East Coast Tour 2010

I'm planning an East Coast trip for October; not only a chance to see my favorite parts of the U.S., but a chance to reconnect with good friends.

My dream schedule is: fly to Chicago, visit the Art Institute, take a bus to Minneapolis and hang out with R. for two days; fly to NYC,  hang out with a few Peace Corps friends for a few days, bus to Boston to see E. who just moved there for work, back to NYC to take the Chinatown bus to D.C. and stay with friends there for a few days, fly to Orlando and see N., backtrack to Atlanta for a day or two, then fly home from Atlanta. Sounds great, eh?

Most likely, though, I'll fly to either D.C. or NYC (whichever is cheaper) and take the bus between DC, NYC and Boston, then fly home.

NYC is truly one of my favorite places on Earth. I've mentioned before that it is not as developed as Shanghai, but it has a flavor and character I adore. I need to add to my historical buildings photography project, go to Washington Heights, Chinatown, and eat much falafel and Indian food.

Here is a picture of me at the George Washington bridge in Washington Heights-- my favorite bridge. (Wow, my hair was short! And what a fake smile.)

I can't wait for my trip!


You're back! I think I'd be dying to venture to familiar territory after leaving China.

Sounds like a great tour you have lined up there. Happy travels!

M said…
Sweet ! Ok I have a favor to ask you: if you see any photography student at the SAIC please can you report to me? I want to apply there and I have no idea of how the space and atmosphere are and all... Thanks :D
Bon voyage.
yrautca said…
Sounds like a fun trip. If you are going to be in Chicago I invite you to have a coffee with me.
Busy Bee Suz said…
Your dream tour sounds fabulous!!!
I hope you are able to see all the sights and special people on your list!!!
Love your semi-fake smile. :)
Mandy said…
I think that sounds fabulous!! Are you going to blog your journey? Catching up with friends and visiting some familiar stomping grounds is always enjoyable.
Ileana said…
You have so much to look forward to next month! Lucky you!!

I, too, love NYC and have not been there in years. Enjoy your travels, Chica! You look great in that photo. Love the view...and your coat and "fake" smile (it doesn't look fake to me!). :)
Stephanie said…
Oh it sounds like a great plan. I bet traveling by bus in the US will be much different then your adventures in China!
Technodoll said…
You love big cities enough for the both of us, girl! I live vicariously through your adventures and travel, you know... seriously. You're one of my biggest windows to the world :)
Tracey Axnick said…
If you wind up in Atlanta, let me know... I'd love to meet you in person! :)

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