South Asian Genetic Win

I think South Asians pretty much win genetics. Thanks rest of the world for playing, here's your silver medal. Remember this guy?

There's a reason Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle is my favorite movie:

Kal Penn-LRS-010673

I don’t know who this dude is, but he’s cute, eh?

Indian guy 001

And then there’s this video (embedding disabled by request, I shake my fist at you!); these are just some really attractive people! Now, I know the people in tv and movies tend to be a little more attractive than the average population, but I’d take one of these guys over Bradley Cooper any day.  I think it’s the lips. Sooooo kissable.


Ileana said…
Is the one in the second photo from The Namesake? He looks familiar, and kinda cute. The last one's more my style though and I know what you mean about those lips...kissable is right!
Busy Bee Suz said…
I love that cute.
Yeah, all these puppies are very attractive!
Holland said…
Yeap, my vote goes to candidate # 3... really cute.
Cristina HW said…
hahaha that was a GREAT video! who was that third guy? there wasn't a good enough close-up.
myself said…
First guy is too pretty for me, but I love love love the guy from House & Harold & Kumar (2nd photo). Yum!
yrautca said…
WHoaaa!!! You got the hots for South Asian dudes alright. My question is would you pass a chance with John Hamm for one of these dudes?
SY said…
Hot hot hot.. and I'm not typically into Asian men
Matt said…
Do you need to coordinate your man arm-candy with your skin color season?
Technodoll said…
Definitely the lips.

Swoooooon :-)
Tracey Axnick said…
OH YES... I even remember that first guy's name was... (thinking)... Hrithtik, or something like that? Truly, he's the visual equivalent of a piece of top quality dark chocolate... totally yummy, decadent and something I want to SAVOR and keep ALL TO MYSELF. (Naughty, I know...) ;)

Thanks for re-posting.

PS: I'm going to go track down my husband and POUNCE upon him now! ;)
Anonymous said…
Good dispatch and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
Stephanie said…
Yes who is that guy??

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