Mermaids LOVE Pink Light Bulbs

My favorite kind of light bulb is the GE Soft Pink bulb; I had them in every lamp in my apartment in San Antonio, and it was lovely being bathed in a soft, flattering pale blush glow. I tried to make sure all my dates saw me near a lamp as often as possible.

Side note: you know how in old movies when things get romantic, the light gets all soft and fuzzy? There should be a way for that to happen in real life too; it would be so helpful! I'd know exactly what was on his mind and I could gear up for it. (I hate surprises. Also, I am a dork and usually thinking about, oh, light bulbs and stuff. I miss the cues sometimes.) 

Target in San Antonio carried pink bulbs and it was never a big deal to buy them, but they're non-existent everywhere I've checked here. Where did all the pink bulbs go? I found them online-- $60 for 12, plus shipping. Um, maybe not!  I kept checking and did find a cheaper price, phew! So, I have to have pink bulbs shipped in? Really, light bulbs? I have four on hand I packed away before I went to China. At the time, I thought I might be crazy for packing light bulbs into storage, but it turns out I was just prescient! If you can find pink bulbs, you might like them. I recommend giving them a spin. 


Last night when I went to Home Depot, I was wandering about looking for huge bags of salt and a very nice guy who works there asked me if I needed help. Are Home Depot employees the most helpful employees ever, or do I just look totally incompetent in a Home Depot? Because I never fail to get offered help about 5 times when I'm in there. One time, a guy spent five minutes explaining to me how to install my new deadbolt lock, and it wasn't until I left I realized he didn't have an apron on, he was just some cute dude helping girls out*. Drat! Once again, I was about 10 minutes behind. But I digress...

This young guy last night offered to help me and when I said I needed a bag of magnesium chloride, he said, "You need what?" Then he got on the walkie talkie to a guy in another department. "She needs what?" Evidently they don't carry it. He asked me how much salt I needed and I was tempted to tell a lie and say I needed it just for water softener, but I truly did need a huge bag, so I admitted I wanted it for bathing. He barely reacted to this, but as we were walking he did say, "A bath huh? And it takes that much salt?" I said, "Well, it needs to be the same salinity as sea water..." and here I am feeling really foolish, because who does this? I'm pretty sure at this point he thought I was a crazy girl who thought she was Daryl Hannah in Splash, so I admitted it was a treatment for eczema. I feel so stigmatized by eczema, it was almost better to let him think I thought I was a mermaid! Anyway, he got me the salt I needed and didn't laugh in my face or cringe, so it all turned out okay. 

How many times in your life do you think people believe you think you're a mermaid? I hope it's just once. 

*As he was talking, I just kept saying, "uh huh, uh huh, uh huh" and nodding, but really I had no idea what he was talking about. My landlord installed it for me. 


yrautca said…
Hilarity ensued at Home Depot. I do find some very attractive women at HD too both employees and customers.

Pink bulbs in my bachelor pad? Hmm...may send out the wrong signal.
Rebecca Foster said…
I have to agree! I'd assume any guy with pink bulbs only wanted to be my friend.
Ileana said…
LOL at your reference to "Splash" and the mermaid question. I'd have to answer it with "Once, at least." I love mermaids and I'm known as "The Mermaid of the East" in a small circle of friends. :)

Pink bulbs sound fun. I'll have to see if our Target carries them.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I have to get in on this pink light bulb deal. You are so funny, you packed them in storage? Love it.

I think homedepot employees are always the best. I thought perhaps I was the only one who was asked 5 times if I needed help. Recently I had a guy stop and ask me if I needed help finding something...and after I told him no, I realized he did not work there. He was much younger than I, so perhaps he was a very very nice boyscout?

I hope the salt helps...those bags are huge and aren't the salt pellets big too? (we use them in our softener) I am wondering how the salt breaks down in the bath water for you...
Stephanie said…
:) Home Depot staff are the best!

I've never seen pink lightbulbs, but I will be on the lookout for them now!
Suzi said…
I read somewhere that in a year or two there will be no more incandescent bulbs for sale, only CFL and LED. So you better stock up when you find your pink bulbs.
Mandy said…
I've never seen pink light bulbs though, but I definitely think you're on to something.
Rebecca Foster said…
I'll do a follow up post about the salt, but it's just rock salt, so it dissolves in warm water.

It looks like I'll have to hoard pink bulbs-- good to know! thanks!
LL Cool Joe said…
I think it may be due to the new Eco friendly issues surrounding light bulbs that have caused your pink ones to disappear. Here in the Uk they are slowly removing all the old style light bulbs and replacing them with these ugly long life ones which actually give out the most depressing light that makes you feel like you are living in semi darkness the whole time.

I found the staff in Home Depot friendly but sexist. I wrote a whole blog post about this once and how my 16 year old daughter had the last word with a patronising member of staff there.
Technodoll said…
Oh good lord this was funny :-D

If I ever see pink lightbulbs I am definitely giving them a try. At my age any device to help hide the wrinkles is a bonus, lol!
Tracey Axnick said…
You know... I've SEEN pink light bulbs but have never considered them. I believe I SHALL now...!

I hear you about HD. I tell you what, if I were single and looking, that is where I'd be "trollin"... just saying... :)
Bonnie said…
Bought pink bulbs today at Lowes. Been looking everywhere for them! Maybe you'll have some luck there.
Anonymous said…
Valuable info. Lucky me I found your site by accident, I bookmarked it.

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