Naked Nerds Need Newton

I got this t-shirt at Target several years ago. Yes, I do love nerds. Nerds know cool things! And can do cool stuff!  Now, saying you like nerds is not the same as saying you like socially awkward types, although there might be some overlap*. To me, nerds are people who care a lot about something and invest themselves in it deeply and don't care if it's cool or not; they do something because they love it, not because they care what anyone else thinks about it. And if it's not mainstream? All the cooler. Nerds unite!

*I'm okay with socially awkward. It can be cute.

I hate wearing clothes. I'd go topless all the time if I could. My mom used to always say she hated wearing clothes and I was so scandalized by this! Moms should be dressed at all times! But now I totally get it. I have a bit of a reputation of liking to wear as little as possible, whenever possible. (I was gchatting with someone and they connected by video; me: "Um, I'm not dressed." Him: "Of course you're not.") In San Antonio, the weather practically begs for nakedness, and I have it on good authority one of the selling points of San Antonio for many men is the near-naked state of the summer girls. I'm sure South Florida is the same way.

When I watch documentaries of people living on islands and they're all topless, I feel jealous. Oh, sweet freedom! What about you: naked, or clothes?


I know I posted this once before, but the ridiculousness bears repeating:

Seriously people, it's so ridiculous, it's ridonkulous. I love it. And I would rock her black, horn-rimmed, bejeweled glasses.


myself said…
Her husband really was too pretty. Seriously.

Um not naked, but not entirely clothed. No undergarments. PJs...all the time... that would make me really happy...I live in Montreal, it gets cold :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
I agree on your take with the nerd situation. What is not to love?

10 years ago I would say: Naked.
Now, I am clothed. I would love to feel comfy naked again....maybe one day.

I love ONJ...but that is ridunkulous. :)
Tracey Axnick said…
I'm with Suz... prior to age 35... naked, no problem. In fact, I frequently used to walk around naked in my "former" life. Not now though. This 43 year old body stays fully clothed... MOST of the time. ;)
Unknown said…
That is a great shirt :) I would never ever be naked if I didn't have to be. I am glad you like being naked though.
Technodoll said…
I love indulging and not wearing a bra, like today :-D

but clothes here are a necessary evil 10 months a year... if the cold doesn't get you the bugs will!

ps: love the 80's music, LOVE!
Stacy Q said…
Your shirt reminds me of a sweatshirt my friend has that reads "Talk nerdy to me"

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