Monitors, MAC, Marrakesh

At work I have not one, but two 22-inch high def monitors, plus my 17-inch MacBook Pro. When I come home, my 15-inch laptop seems soooo small and quaint, like I'm using an old Atari or something. I am definitely spoiled by my big, high-def monitors.


I'm a make-up junkie and MAC has some of my favorite colors. It isn't my favorite make-up; I prefer Chanel, Dior and Urban Decay for quality. But MAC has some great pigments that work well with darker, golden-toned skin. Such as:

"O" lipstick. This lipstick is magic, y'all. It's berry infused with gold, so it is just the right mix of red and brown. It makes your skin glow. I've heard it's a bit strong for some fair-haired peeps, but if you have a darker or golden skin tone, try this lipstick. You might love it like I do. One of my staples.

MAC Paints. I only wear them on my eyelids, although technically you could wear them anywhere on your face/body. They look like oil paint tubes and they go on a lot like oil paint, very heavy and opaque. You have to let it dry like you would paint, too. Awesome for a night out when you know you'll be all sweaty, because this stuff does not sweat off AT ALL. I like the silver color a lot, but they're all gorgeous.

And now that I am living in a desert climate again, I have rediscovered Studio Tech foundation; it offers heavier coverage but still powdery in feel, great for dry winters. My only complaint is that it tends to dry out after a while, but that might be because of the super dry climate here. I gave this stuff up when I moved to San  Antonio many years ago because the humidity/heat there made it overkill, but as I will be here for the foreseeable future, I'm back to using it again. Still a great product.


My dream vacation is to go to Morocco, especially Marrakesh. I dream of seeing the architecture and design and taking lots and lots of pictures. I don't feel like it's a great place for a woman to go alone (I could be worrying about nothing) so I want someone to go with me. For Christmas this year, I am buying myself this book:

Pretty sure it's going to be part of the design inspiration for my new apartment: half Chinese, half Moroccan. I kinda wanna live in a Chinese Genie Bottle, is that so wrong?

I also love my Martin acoustic guitar, Malai Kofta (my favorite Indian dish), Mahalia Jackson's version of Danny Boy and Magenta from Rocky Horror. (How I've never dressed up as Magenta for Halloween, I don't know.)


Technodoll said…
You are both so feminine yet strong and adventurous at the same time! My hero! :-)

I can imagine pretty much any makeup suits your amazing complexion and features, my dear.

Make sure to cover them up in morroco lest you get kidnapped and never come home :-o

(i have heard STUFF!)
M said…
You should definitively check Photographer Bruno Barbey's work.( ) He was born French in Morocco and photographed GORGEOUS pics there. Ha, I want a couscous, a mint tea and a pastilla right now!
Busy Bee Suz said…
Love all your M's. The paint makeup sounds really interesting.
Where are you living now? Arizona???
Morocco? I could not imagine...but wow what a trip that would be. I also get lost when thinking about travel. We both need a hand held globe to use as reference. :)
Mandy said…
I definitely need to try out that lipstick. I don't own anything by MAC in my makeup bag. I'm thinking I need to change that.
Ileana said…
I have Moroccan blood. How interesting that you want to go there. If you find a book like that about Positano, Italy, please let me know about it. I'm still searching for a good one.

Btw, that lipstick is right up my alley. It may actually complement my red hair. Where can I find this product?
Rebecca Foster said…
Lulu, I am sure Miami has a freestanding MAC store, but you can also buy their products at Nordstrom and sometimes Macy's. Yes, I bet you would look great in that lipstick!

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