5 Things About NYC and Boston
1. The Guggenheim building is far more interesting than the Guggenheim collection.
2. I thought St. Pat's Day in Boston would be cra-zay. Maybe for New England, it is. I would like to invite all Bostonians to San Antonio for Fiesta. Cra-zay! I really liked Boston, but I am far too spirited and not nearly preppy enough to ever live there.
3. We went back to a friend-of-a-friend's apartment, where I accidentally left behind my McSorley's mug when leaving to go home for the night. The friend-of-a-friend had to walk me back to his pad to get it. Pretty sure he (and his doorman) thought this was as ploy for me to stay the night. Nope, I just really am that absent-minded. On the way to the subway (again), he asked me "You're not going to tweet about this, are you?" (Meaning everything that went down that night. He's an actor.) I was caught off guard by his question; is that really a thing people say now??? No. No I'm not.
4. NYC, please get a mag-lev train from JFK to Penn Station. Please.
5. I know someone who lives in the NYC area, and several times I felt bad I couldn't call up and say "Hey, let's meet up for dinner or something!" I wonder how long it will be until I can visit NYC without remembering?
2. I thought St. Pat's Day in Boston would be cra-zay. Maybe for New England, it is. I would like to invite all Bostonians to San Antonio for Fiesta. Cra-zay! I really liked Boston, but I am far too spirited and not nearly preppy enough to ever live there.
3. We went back to a friend-of-a-friend's apartment, where I accidentally left behind my McSorley's mug when leaving to go home for the night. The friend-of-a-friend had to walk me back to his pad to get it. Pretty sure he (and his doorman) thought this was as ploy for me to stay the night. Nope, I just really am that absent-minded. On the way to the subway (again), he asked me "You're not going to tweet about this, are you?" (Meaning everything that went down that night. He's an actor.) I was caught off guard by his question; is that really a thing people say now??? No. No I'm not.
4. NYC, please get a mag-lev train from JFK to Penn Station. Please.
5. I know someone who lives in the NYC area, and several times I felt bad I couldn't call up and say "Hey, let's meet up for dinner or something!" I wonder how long it will be until I can visit NYC without remembering?
Happy Sunday, amiga!! :)
Ok I hate Boston. There I said it.
Glad you got your mug back...that was a close call.
ileana, I am in very good company then.
ll, I've never been to London, but I am into NYC. I like cities a lot.
yrautca, SO WHITE.
BBS, I know, you can't even buy them online directly. PHEW!
Sandra, hope that changes and you get to go someday. Great city!