Hotel Belleclaire

I'm staying my first few nights in NYC at the Hotel Belleclaire. I was really glad to find this hotel because:

1. It's on the 1 line, which goes to Cloisters and down to Penn and stops near the George Washington Bridge on 181st. Convenient.
2. It's near the 76th St. path across Central Park, which I have never crossed before; I'm looking forward to walking across the park to the Met and Jewish Museum.
3. It's adorable.
4. No bed bugs!

I'm not very familiar with this area so I'm looking forward to exploring and doing things I've never done before, like Cloisters and walking the park. That's what I love about NYC: no matter how many times I've been, there's always something new to do.


Busy Bee Suz said…
The bed looks amazing too!!!! Enjoy!
Alli said…
You'll be just a couple of blocks from my apartment.

Alli (formerly known as Little Fish ;))
Alli said…
Oh I should've mentioned that I'm happy to give suggestions for anything in the neighborhood or grab a drink.
LL Cool Joe said…
No bed bugs is always a bonus. :D
Rebecca Foster said…
I will, thanks BBS!

Alli, that sounds great, will you let me know how to get in touch with you? My email is

LL, so true!

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