Indicators Of Cultural Adjustment, Or, The Best Time I Was Glad I Didn't Get Shot

Recently I was walking out of Target and saw a couple of police officers huddled near the front door, trying to remain out of sight. I heard the mic of one of the officers go off with the words, "He's walking out right now." I'M walking out right now, too! My body went into alert status and I quickly walked away from the door area, not sure what was about to go down. Sure enough, a few seconds later, a huge ruckus behind me and I see a guy fleeing away from the doors, several officers in pursuit. My first instinct was to put as many cars as possible between me and suspect/officers, just in case this dude started shooting; I wanted something to hide behind.

This action didn't take me long to decide, it was a split second decision that I needed a way to protect myself in case of gunfire. And I remember all the times I was wandering about in China and saw scuffles of different sorts, I never once thought I needed to protect myself. And really, I didn't. I was alert to other dangers I faced there, but not the danger of being shot.

So, congratulations to me, I guess I really have adjusted to being in America again.

(Nothing happened, and they caught the guy at the far end of the parking lot. Canine unit on scene and everything-- I don't think this was a simple shoplifting case, but I have no idea what was going on.)


Busy Bee Suz said…
You have great instincts!
I bet you will never walk into that Target again and NOT think about this event!
Rebecca Foster said…
I wasn't sure if I did, so glad to know I do.

Yeah, for real!
Stephanie said…
I'm so glad you listened to your gut!! Kind of super scary! (and I didn't know you were blogging great to see your face!)
Rebecca Foster said…
You too! Thanks for your kind words.

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